Results for 'Regina Helena Rezende'

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  1.  39
    Considerations regarding the preservation of classical forms in the first churches.Regina Helena Rezende - 2009 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 3:99-104.
    This paper presents how the classical architectural forms – Greek-roman forms – are preserved in early Christian churches built in the Palestinian area between the fourth and the sixth centuries AD. We follow the concept that architecture defines a non-verbal communication form, a language possible to be decoded. Will be discussed questions regarding long-term preservation or change of this buildings in a historical structure evaluating their formal and ideological aspects.
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    Presença e atualidade do pensamento de Paulo Freire: vozes brasileiras em diálogo.Maria Lucia Marcondes Carvalho Vasconcelos & Regina Helena Pires de Brito (eds.) - 2021 - São Paulo: LiberArs.
  3. Formação inicial de professores para a educação básica no brasil.Helena Machado de Paula Albuquerque, Celia Maria Haas & Regina Magna Bonifácio Araujo - 2011 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 13 (2):p - 251.
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    Os muitos sentidos compartilhados: Bakhtiniana e a Jornada comemorativa de seus 15 anos.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes, Paulo Rogério Stella, Regina Godinho de Alcântara & Adriana Pucci Faria Penteado E. Silva - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e68180p.
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    Bakhtiniana 15 anos: interação de ciência, arte e vida.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani, Paulo Rogério Stella, Carlos Gontijo Rosa, Letícia Jovelina Storto & Regina Godinho de Alcântara - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e66200p.
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  6. A resistência armada: Lamarca e Marighella no cinema nacional.Cristiane Gutfreind & Helena Stigger - 2013 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 20 (1).
    O presente artigo estuda a ditadura militar no cinema brasileiro, e em especial, analisa a representação de dois líderes da esquerda armada: Carlos Marighella e Carlos Lamarca. O assassinato de Marighella foi evidenciado em filmes como Batismo de sangue (Helvécio Ratton, 2007) e Marighella, retrato falado de um guerrilheiro (Silvio Tendler, 2001). Assim como o caráter humanista de Lamarca foi destacado no filme Lamarca – o capitão da guerrilha (Sérgio Rezende, 1994). Portanto, partindo dessa identificação, buscamos estudar a relação (...)
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    Nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and related socio-demographic factors.Nora Hauhio, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Jouko Katajisto & Olivia Numminen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1402-1415.
    Background: Nurses need moral courage to ensure ethically good care. Moral courage is an individual characteristic and therefore it is relevant to examine its association with nurses’ socio-demographic factors. Objective: To describe nurses’ self-assessed level of moral courage and its association with their socio-demographic factors. Research design: Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study. The data were collected with Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale and analyzed statistically. Participants and research context: A total of 482 registered nurses from a major university hospital in Southern Finland (...)
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    Le second tour des élections brésiliennes de 1989 : stratégies discursives des candidats.Célia Regina Jardim Pinto - 1991 - Hermes 8:47.
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  9. Congresso Histórico de Portugal Medievo, em Braga.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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  10. From ego to Alter ego: Husserl, Merleau-ponty and a layered approach to intersubjectivity.Helena De Preester - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):133-142.
    This article presents two different phenomenological paths leading from ego to alter ego: a Husserlian and a Merleau-Pontian way of thinking. These two phenomenological paths serve to disentangle the conceptual–philosophical underpinning of the mirror neurons system hypothesis, in which both ways of thinking are entwined. A Merleau-Pontian re-reading of the mirror neurons system theory is proposed, in which the characteristics of mirror neurons are effectively used in the explanation of action understanding and imitation. This proposal uncovers the remaining necessary presupposition (...)
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  11.  57
    Re-framing the question: What do we really want to know about rural healthcare ethics?Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):51 – 53.
    A few weeks ago, a rural hospital administrator phoned with a question posed by his management team. “If you were going to give us some ethics resources,” he queried, “just exactly what would they...
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    Outlining a conception of animal welfare for organic farming systems.Vonne Lund & Helena Röcklinsberg - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (4):391-424.
    The concept of animal welfare refersto the animal''s quality of life. The choice ofdefinition always reflects some basicvaluation. This makes a particular conceptionof welfare value-dependent. Also, the animalhusbandry system reflects certain values oraims. The values reflected in the chosenconception of animal welfare ought tocorrespond to values aimed for in the husbandrysystem. The IFOAM Basic Standards and otherwritings dealing with organic animal husbandryshould be taken as a departure point for adiscussion of how to interpret the conceptionof welfare in organic farming systems. (...)
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  13. Sobre a importância das informações de Pausânias para a história da lingua grega.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1965 - Humanitas 17.
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    The object that technology is not and how we can relate to it.Helena De Preester - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):581-585.
    I reply to two comments to my paper “Subjectivity and transcendental illusions in the Anthropocene,” by Johannes Schick and Melentie Pandilovski. Schick expands on the possibility that technical objects become “other” in a Levinasian sense, making use of Simondon’s three-layered structure of technical objects. His proposal is to free technical objects and install a different relationship between humankind and technology. I see two major difficulties in Schick's proposal. These difficulties are based on a number of features of current digital technology (...)
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  15. Círculo Humanístico Clenardo, em Braga.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1960 - Humanitas 11.
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  16. Homenagem ao Prof Marouzeau.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1964 - Humanitas 15.
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  17. La katharsis d''Aristote chez les thèoriciens protugais du XVIIIe siècle.María Helena da Rocha Pereira - 1996 - Humanitas 48:105-116.
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  18. Uma Ópera Moderna de Tema Clássico.Maria Helena Rocha Pereira - 1964 - Humanitas 15.
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    The role of ethics in gathering corporate intelligence.William Cohen & Helena Czepiec - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (3):199 - 203.
    This paper analyzes business people's attitudes towards the tactics used for gathering competitive corporate intelligence both within their own and their competitors' corporations. Business people in large corporations are highly motivated to gather such intelligence. Their attitudes towards the ethicality of specific practices, however, are influenced by the corporate culture, their perceived effectiveness of the techniques, and their perception of the competitors' tactics. Interestingly enough, the most popular technique for securing information is socializing with competitors in nonbusiness settings. Business people (...)
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    Patients’ Rights in Laboratory Examinations: do they realize?Helena Leino-Kilpi, Tarja Nyrhinen & Jouko Katajisto - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (6):451-464.
    This article discusses the rights of patients who are attending hospital for the most common laboratory examinations and who may also be taking part in research studies. A distinction is made between five kinds of rights to: protection of privacy, physical integrity, mental integrity, information and self-determination. The data were collected ( n = 204) by means of a structured questionnaire specifically developed for this study in the clinical chemistry, haematological, physiological and neurophysiological laboratories of one randomly selected university hospital (...)
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  21.  42
    Clinicians or Researchers, Patients or Participants: Exploring Human Subject Protection When Clinical Research Is Conducted in Non-academic Settings.Ann Freeman Cook & Helena Hoas - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (1):3-11.
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  22.  32
    Risse on Justice in Trade.Helena de Bres - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (4):489-499.
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  23.  35
    Nurses’ autonomy in end-of-life situations in intensive care units.Maria Cristina Paganini & Regina Szylit Bousso - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (7):803-814.
    Background: The intensive care unit environment focuses on interventions and support therapies that prolong life. The exercise by nurses of their autonomy impacts on perception of the role they assume in the multidisciplinary team and on their function in the intensive care unit context. There is much international research relating to nurses’ involvement in end-of-life situations; however, there is a paucity of research in this area in Brazil. In the Brazilian medical scenario, life support limitation generated a certain reluctance of (...)
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  24. Växtvärk - Perspektiv på invasiva främmande växter i svensk natur.Johanna Alkan Olsson, Helena Hanson, Erik Persson, Carina Sjöholm & Niklas Vareman (eds.) - 2021
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  25. On Experiencing Sustainability.Noora-Helena Korpelainen - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    This essay aims at clarifying our understanding of human participation in sustainability transitions from the pragmatist aesthetics perspective. By sustainability transitions, I refer to processual changes that move towards enhanced environmental and/or social sustainability. At the risk of inappropriateness, I argue that the cultivation of aesthetic sensibility manifests in experiencing sustainability. To understand those ordinary experiences that convey vistas for sustainability transition management, I return to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). I first show that Dewey’s conception of sensibility is (...)
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  26. Some Boolean Algebras with Finitely Many Distinguished Ideals I.Regina Arag N. - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):485-504.
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    Gender barriers to the female mentor – male protégé relationship.Regina M. O'Neill & Stacy D. Blake-Beard - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (1):51 - 63.
    This paper explores gender barriers to the formation of the female mentor – male protégé relationship. The authors consider both physiological as well as social gender as a way to help understand the scarcity of these relationships. A number of gender-related factors are considered, including organizational demographics, relational demography, sexual liaisons, gender stereotypes, gender behaviors, and power dynamics. The paper concludes with directions for future research that will help provide further insights into the development and success of the female mentor (...)
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  28. Trabalho E educação na perspectiva ontológica: Algumas reflexões acerca da (re)produção ampliada do capital E a crise da escola.Tânia Regina Braga Torreão Sá, Marcelo Torreão Sá & Viviane Meira Lima - 2013 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 3 (5):11-21.
    A questão que se coloca nesse texto é refletir sobre as contribuições que Marx formula para pensar a respeito da educação, a escola e a luta trabalhadora. Nosso intuito é, pois, a partir do “beber da fonte” da filosofia de práxis, pensar em que medida, o projeto de emancipação social, tal como propôs Marx, se realiza numa escola em crise, aonde muita coisa, aliás, muda na aparência para manter a essência íntegra. Nossas reflexões se voltam para compreender também, como por (...)
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    Forensic DNA databases in European countries: is size linked to performance?Susana Silva, Helena Machado & Filipe Santos - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-13.
    The political and financial investments in the implementation of forensic DNA databases and the ethical issues related to their use and expansion justify inquiries into their performance and general utility. The main function of a forensic DNA database is to produce matches between individuals and crime scene stains, which requires a constant input of individual profiles and crime scene stains. This is conditioned, among other factors, by the legislation, namely the criteria for inclusion of profiles and the periods of time (...)
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  30.  52
    Feminist Theory and Historical Practice: Rereading Elizabeth Blackwell.Regina Morantz-Sanchez - 1992 - History and Theory 31 (4):51-69.
    This essay assesses the value of social constructivist theories of science to the history of medicine. It highlights particularly the ways in which feminist theorists have turned their attention to gender as a category of analysis in scientific thinking, producing an approach to modern science that asks how it became identified with "male" objectivity, reason, and mind, set in opposition to "female" subjectivity, feeling, and nature.In the history of medicine this new work has allowed a group of scholars to better (...)
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    Pausanias and the Roman conquerors.Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira - 2011 - Humanitas 63:175-184.
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  32. Do restabelecimento do prazo de validade dos créditos de celulares pré-pagos: Uma análise da decisão do stj a partir da legislação consumerista.Jéssica Helena Maruoka da Silva & Maise Gindre Mosseline - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    The Cooperation Argument for Fairness in International Trade.Helena de Bres - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (2):192-218.
  34.  31
    Unravelling Reasons for the Non-Establishment of Protected Areas: Justification Regimes and Principles of Worth in a Swiss National Park Project.Annina Helena Michel & Norman Backhaus - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (2):171-190.
    This article engages with pragmatic sociology to understand an environmental dispute and its underlying moral issues in a direct-democratic and bottom-up setting. The non-establishment of a planned national park in the Swiss Alps serves as a case study to analyse principles of worth presented in national park negotiations. We point to the complex nature of conservation negotiations and argue that loosely defined ideas of the common good can lead to additional difficulties for a bottom-up project. Moreover, we open up new (...)
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  35. A pracinha da Zárea.Silvia Helena Belmino, Pedro Silva Marra & Antonio Laurindo de Holanda Paiva Filho - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):260-277.
    Este artigo narra os encontros de jovens periféricos na Praça do Final da Linha, localizada no bairro de Sapiranga, em Fortaleza. Exploramos a praça como um espaço multifacetado e multifuncional, que desempenha diversos papéis essenciais na comunidade, servindo como escritório, palco e local de louvor. Entre 2019 e 2020, diferentes coletivos juvenis e jovens moradores das comunidades do bairro passaram a ocupar a praça, realizando feiras, exibições de filmes, cursos de empreendedorismo e o festival Sapiranga Sound System, entre outras atividades. (...)
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    A competência em informação no enfrentamento ao plágio no ambiente acadêmico.Jussara Borges, Helena Harthmann & Susane Barros - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2):e-6921.
    Este artigo discute a competência em informação frente ao plágio no meio acadêmico. Reflete sobre as causas do plágio, como o pouco incentivo para que estudantes produzam conteúdos autorais e a ausência de políticas institucionais que orientem tais produções. Como resposta a este contexto, o artigo sugere uma educação para a autoria a partir da competência em informação. A competência em informação, entre outros, promove uma relação saudável entre as pessoas e o universo informacional. Assim, o objetivo é discutir de (...)
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  37. A ciência jurídica.Maria Helena Diniz - 1975 - São Paulo: Editora Resenha Universitária.
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    A alternativa como categoria em Lukács: a captura das mediações humano-genéricas.Sonia Regina Landini - 2009 - Trans/Form/Ação 32 (2):147-158.
    Entre os desafios postos para as pesquisas em ciências humanas e sociais está a compreensão do cotidiano como espaço para a captura das formas de apropriação da realidade objetiva por parte dos sujeitos e, ao mesmo tempo, a identificação das respostas dos sujeitos diante das condições postas. Como categoria analítica, destacamos as reflexões de Lukács acerca da categoria alternativa, tomando-a como mediação entre teleologia e reflexo, no processo de objetivação da teleologia em causalidade posta.
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  39. Propensity to Support Sustainability Initiatives: A Cross-National Model. [REVIEW]K. Praveen Parboteeah, Helena M. Addae & John B. Cullen - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):403-413.
    Businesses and the social sciences are increasingly facing calls to further scholarship dedicated to understand sustainability. Furthermore, multinationals are also facing similar calls given their high profile and their role in environmental degradation. However, a literature review shows that there is very limited understanding of sustainability at a cross-national level. Given the above gaps, we contribute to the literature by examining how selected GLOBE [House et al., Culture, leadership and organizations: The GOBE study of 62 societies. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, (...)
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    The effects of six bases of power upon compliance, identification, and internalization.Helena Leet-Pellegrini & Jeffrey Z. Rubin - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):68-70.
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    Transformation of employees' competences in implementing changes in modern scientific libraries.Milita Vienazindiene & Regina Andriukaitiene - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:28-31.
    As there are changes in today's needs of the information society, the development of information technologies, the information behavior of scientists, the habits of information processing and its management in modern scientific libraries form their unique, atypical and constantly changing functions. This forces scientific libraries to take on new roles while ensuring the stability of their traditional roles. The vision for the future of the academic library is to become an academic partner from the service provider [1]. Preparation of employees (...)
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    Nurses’ justifications for morally courageous acts in ethical conflicts: A narrative inquiry.Elina Pajakoski, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Minna Stolt, Anto Čartolovni & Riitta Suhonen - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Moral courage is defined as the courage to act in ethical conflicts based on individual or professional values despite the personal risks involved. Nurses justify their decisions to act morally courageously as part of their ethical decision-making. Objective: To describe registered nurses’ justifications for acting morally courageously, or not, in ethical conflicts where they needed moral courage. Research design: A narrative inquiry with a holistic content approach was used. Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted in January–February 2023. The data were (...)
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    A dialógica linguagem infantil.Beth Brait, Maria Helena Cruz Pistori, Bruna Lopes-Dugnani & Renata Philippov - 2021 - Bakhtiniana 16 (1):2-3.
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    Putting together the pieces: evolutionary mechanisms at work within genomes.Lynn Helena Caporale - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (7):700-702.
  45. Medéia, Amor E erro, em ovídio.Márcia Regina de Faria da Silva - 2011 - Principia: Revista do Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Orientais do Instituto de Letras 1 (22):95-106.
    A personagem Medeia, desde os autores gregos, como Eurípides, é apresentada como o exemplo mais clássico do prejuízo causado pela paixão desmedida. Ela justifica todos os seus atos buscando como medida seu amor por Jasão. É o amor que a faz salvar a vida do amado e tirar várias outras vidas, inclusive de seus próprios filhos. Ovídio, poeta latino do século I a.C., retoma a personagem em sua obra Heroides, para também apresentar o mal que a paixão desenfreada pode causar (...)
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  46. Der Begriff der Welt bei Heidegger und Sartre.Santos de Ihlau & Rosa Helena - 1970 - [Tübingen]:
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    Semi-post algebras.Nguyen Cat Ho & Helena Rasiowa - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (2):149 - 160.
    In this paper, semi-Post algebras are introduced and investigated. The generalized Post algebras are subcases of semi-Post algebras. The so called primitive Post constants constitute an arbitrary partially ordered set, not necessarily connected as in the case of the generalized Post algebras examined in [3]. By this generalization, semi-Post products can be defined. It is also shown that the class of all semi-Post algebras is closed under these products and that every semi-Post algebra is a semi-Post product of some generalized (...)
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    “ El sueno de rapiña" de Carlos reyles: Crítica de la modernidad Y contrapunto temporal.Fátima Regina Nogueira - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 25.
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    Figuras de retórica.Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):180-186.
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    Nuevo diccionario de la teoría de Mijail Bajtin.Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (2):188 - 193.
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